Plot of my journey begins with my selection in INDIAN ARMY for UES level..i am selected for S.S.B interview in banglore in AUG 2009.
I make a reservation in KARNATAKA EXPRESS from delhi,it depart at 9 pm sharp.At this time my journey begains towards my unleash experience of my life.

My jorney is 40 hours long,its quite hard to precise to adjust yourself in 2*7 meter birth for 40 i keep roaming inside the train ,most of my time consume at train's door to see incredible its course to banglore my train passes from 7 states delhi,uttar predesh,haryana,Madhya predesh,maharashtra ,andhra predesh and finally karnataka.that 40 hours give me taste of incredible india about owr culture, diversity and peoples.
when my train enters in M.P (at morning),whether is very pleasant at that time.i am stunned to watch the beauty of M.P.Viewing from the train beauty spreads through remote CLIFFS,JUNGLE through 100 of km.
After that my train is enter in MAHARASHTRA a lady and her two kids in front of seat were waited for their station...their kids are very anxious to see outside the train,so they give me great company and introduce their city jalgaon with a kiddish way...........but i enjoy their way to explain....they narrate only the colony where they live because they do not know too much other than their home...they told me that "their a beautiful park near bobby taffi shop,they play cricket with rakshit and they donnot like bhel puri ."
As my journey start another story also run in birth is side upper and in my lower birth their is a girl in lower birth and two girls in my front seats i am the only smarty(hehehe) between my flirting starts as the train start from delhi.
In morning as i kept early watching the scenic beauty from the gate of train as the gal is asleep so i can't get window's pleasure.In MP i always tried to figure out habit tent nearby but it quite difficult...i notice one thing in MP there lot of untouched diversity.
After an hour girl in lower birth invite me to share her birth as my birth is upper and i am uncomfortable with this at day this was a jackpot and i never leave this fabulous opportunity.i start chatted with her she was from haryana and study in my part she is very step forwarded and quite smart how to deal with guyz,during chat train reach from JHASI to BUSAVAL..and my friends (kids) shouting that "CHACHA KA GHAR AA GAYA"...They told me that their chacha always bring ANAR from busaval then their mother told me that BUSAVAL is famous for this fruit.
its really true for me.
after taking mt breakfast i chatted long with girl and we right now become quite i share lot of stuff with her.During my journey i purchase a book for time pass in train and i fortunately buy IGNITED MIND from DR.A.P.J ABDUL KALAM.seriously i never heared this book name before as i am not a good reader or novel manic.But this was the best book i ever read........i started it on first day of my journey and complete it when i reach to banglore....when i read it completely i am stunned with the audacious persona of ABDUL KALAM and also apprised by author about the Power my country.if you want to explore the beauty of his book please follow the link given below.
As i entered in maharashtra their is sudden increase in frequency of vendors selling dry fruits in train..........
they are so cheap in comparison to my state.Than girl(neha) told me that Mharashtra is famous for its dry fruits thats why its is cheap here..
I never visit such a long journey Ever in my country wherever i visit, i never see such a vast cultural change
as i see during this visit.i feel every state by their culture, atmosphere,peoples...and all that.
From states to states i enjoy a lot and also started flirted with neha,durin this one day completed and i go to my birth for sleep.during night i girls in front of my seat start playing Antaksri(game of songs).I join them we play together night long.
Next morning i wake up and my train reach in Andhre Predesh city DAUND. i took newspaper and tea
from station.I remember the headlines of the newspaper News was sad on that " A.P CM 'S PLANE GET CRASHED DUE TO HEAVY RAIN".it is quite sad news in morning,people get stunned.
I reached to banglore by afternoon at 1.40 sharp,during my visit india and specially karnataka is quite prone to "SWINE FLUE" ,all people wear their mask to protect themself this was quite surprising for me and i am not feeling comfortable with this,but i have to protect myself so i also bought the mask.
When i reach to banglore Army personal are waiting for us to take all candidate to the S.S.B center BANGLORE.
i discuss later of my 5 days in banglore later........